Human Nature
Great documentary. Explains very complex information in understandable ways. Raises great societal questions.
Milwaukee Member
Well-organized, scientific documentary. Excellent explanatory graphics and analogies. Raised many questions.
Milwaukee Member
Interesting movie with scientists coming up with great analogies to teach everyone a simple way to understand genome science.
Milwaukee Member
Raises lots of deep, disturbing questions but also provides a ray of hope.
Milwaukee Member
Fascinating! Very effectively presented.
Milwaukee Member
Excellent way to present complicated information. Visually, very appealing.
Milwaukee Member
I couldn't believe how much this film affected me. I wanted to go out and tell everyone that I know about it. The first half, the explanation, was fascinating. And the second half, the ethical exploration, was great at looking at all sides without pressuring the audience for a particular answer. This was a fantastic film!
Milwaukee Member
Should be shown to all high school students.
Milwaukee Member
This film opened a world I know very little about and will make me curious for more knowledge.
St. Louis Member
Surprisingly interesting for a non-science type. Very well presented, edited, and scored as well as visually engaging. Great presentation of science's future and ethical challenges.
St. Louis Member
What a fabulous documentary about science and ethics! It also was excellent at showing the importance of good graphics to help communicate complex ideas, experiments, and realities so a larger segment of the population can understand the science involved. It should be required viewing for every high school and college science class!!!
St. Louis Member
Thought it would be boring but I was so wrong. Intriguing, presented the information so well and in understandable terms for lay people. Excellent and thought provoking.
St. Louis Member
Glad to see a different sort of "movie." Presented the multiple sides of this topic in a well-articulated way. Not preachy. I liked (but also craved) an outcome--right or wrong?? Loved the comments of the young bay at the end--I learned a lot by having sickle cell (patience, etc.)
St. Louis Member
Fascinating, disturbing, funny, sad--WOW. So many things. My conversation starter to everyone this week, "Have you heard of CRISPR?" Thanks, Cinema Club!
St. Louis Member
Best science documentary I’ve ever seen. Clear, snappy, terrific.
Atlanta Member
The beautiful thing about his movie is that it exemplified the importance of honest dialogue by a diversity of voices. I learned as much about CRISPR from David Sanchez as I did from the very brilliant scientists in the movie.
Atlanta Member
This movie was amazing. It was a great opportunity to learn what is going on in the world of genome editing. Really eye opening. Was not familiar with CRISPR before. The ethics of gene alteration have huge implications for all of us.
Atlanta Member
This film did what documentaries should—it presented complicated issues in clear terms with historical context and enabled us to create informed opinions. Extremely well done and thought provoking.
Atlanta Member
Brilliant and thought-provoking. Beautifully filmed. Loved the musical soundtrack. Thank you for bringing this to the ATL Cinema Club!
Atlanta Member
Very well balanced view of technology, society, and ethics.
Boston Member
Fascinating, troubling, hopeful, provocative, exciting.
Boston Member
What an art to condense such a complex subject into an into an understandable, educational, and informative film.
Boston Member
Fascinating and scary: Who is going to control the regulators?
Boston Member
What an incredible film! A clear exploration of a very complex topic--extremely well done.
Boston Member
So moving, intelligent, and inspiring.
Boston Member
This film is why I am a member of the Cinema Club: the opportunity to learn about, experience, and discuss new and different information/thoughts, concepts, and themes.
Greater New Haven Member
Fascinating, powerful, excellent graphics to explain technical/scientific concepts. Important film. Good choice for the Club: probably wouldn't have seen it otherwise, and Club members can promote and encourage others to see. [Similar comments: 'Fascinating film and subject matter. Probably would not have seen it if I didn't belong to the Cinema Club but I am thankful for having done so.'; 'Wonderful! Something I would not have seen had it not been for the Cinema Club. Very important film.']
Greater New Haven Member
Excellent progression in this film. I am fairly conversant in CRISPR and was not at all bored or impatient during the film's coverage of known areas. The exploration of the ethical issues was thought-provoking.
Greater New Haven Member
Thought-provoking film on the power -- both constructive and destructive -- of the gene editing. The postscript of the November 2018 Chinese selection and manipulation of humans is frightening, because there appears to be no controls in place. One wonders when this becomes a threat of controlling the world -- Putin's comments as an illustration.
Greater New Haven Member
Fascinating depiction of an important stage in scientific development. We have lived 73 years with the prospect of man's destruction by a nuclear holocaust. And now we see another scientific breakthrough with the power for positive and negative results, and knowledge on the microlevel to change mankind's future. Great and scary. Thanks to the producers for making this film, and thanks for showing it.
Greater New Haven Member
Fascinating and horrifying at the same time. For every amazing advance there is a side that can be manipulated for bad. We live in scary times. Having Putin in this movie was chilling. [Moderator note: many members made similar comments about the film being fascinating (and/or excellent), AND horrifying (and/or scary. Just a few examples: 'Very interesting and scary for the human race'; 'Frightening but fascinating at the same time: playing God'; 'Amazing and terrifying. Extremely informative and philosophically thoughtful.']
Greater New Haven Member
'Human nature' (the perfect title for this film) is so complex and self-contradictory that it's hard to know what the future might hold in terms of science. Like the internet, genetic manipulation holds the potential for tremendous good and tremendous evil. At the present moment, my take on the future is pretty dark. It all comes down to human nature, which is pretty scary these days, sad to say.
Greater New Haven Member
This was a terrific example of good story-telling. Bravo for explaining such a complicated topic in a compelling and easy-to-understand way.
Greater New Haven Member
I was enthralled, provoked, entertained, educated. Remarkable film that tackled a scientifically and ethically complex topic and scored 110% on all fronts. Bravo!
Greater New Haven Member
Paced very well. Nice touch in the credits with quotes to identify those who appeared: really helped me remember them. Great that so many female scientists were featured.
Greater New Haven Member
Excellent documentary. Having three out of three children with an inherited disease, I would love to have done anything ethical that would have eliminated their suffering, and prevent their children/future children from having the disease.
Greater New Haven Member
Everyone should get to see this illuminating film. [Moderator note: there were other comments along these lines. Examples: 'Illuminating and essential information. Should be required viewing to educate the public about the potential for hope and horror'; 'Excellent! Everyone should see this.']
Greater New Haven Member
Magnificent! Beautifully presented with wonderfully thoughtful scientists and ethicist, speaking intelligently, interwoven with superb cinematography and well-chosen music. A must-see!
Greater New Haven Member
Thank you for showing this. It explained the science in a very understandable way and was truly thought-provoking about the uses -- good and bad -- of CRISPR. I sit on an Institutional Review Board (human research subjects protection) and am going to take the other members to see it. Final note: I love when you have subject matter speakers after documentaries! [Moderator note: a number of members praised our guest speaker, who answered numerous questions clearly and authoritatively.]
Greater New Haven Member
Absolutely fascinating - the graphics and music made the movie very powerful.
Washington, DC Member
I think the movie was excellent. It covered so much of the controversy of gene editing. Good or bad, it will be the future, and we need to know all about it! Fast!
Washington, DC Member
This is the most provocative movie I’ve seen in decades. I hope it provokes more discussion in our country.
Washington, DC Member
Wow! Yet again, I would never have seen this movie normally. I groaned after reading the first sentence of the flier, but it is so important that I saw this, because now I’m better informed about more of the basic issues we face in our times. We need more science documentaries!
Washington, DC Member
As a science geek, I loved this movie more than I loved ‘Particle Fever’! I will be taking my equally geeky children to see this.
Washington, DC Member
Having read, and loved Siddarta Mujergee’s brilliant book on The Gene, I was so eager to see this movie and learn more about CRISPR - which I did from all the brilliant scientists. If ever there was a need for understanding and balancing the 2 words of the title, HUMAN/NATURE, that moment is now. I was expecting to be fascinated by new knowledge and debate, but was so surprised to be deeply moved too.
Washington, DC Member